
Condition Related

  • 7 Ways Health Qigong Can Improve Your Life 

    in Condition Related, Digestion / / 0 comments

    Qigong is a modality that’s been used in traditional Chinese medicine for thousands of years. The goal of this practice is to harmonize the energy within the mind, body and spirit. While qigong was developed almost 4,000 years ago, it can still change your life today. Combining the elements and practicing qigong daily can provide many mental and physical health benefits. Let’s get into it. 

  • The Connection Between CCM and Spirituality

    in Condition Related, Digestion / / 0 comments

    TCM was developed with the influence of traditional Chinese philosophy and religion. That means that there’s a connection to spirituality that you don’t get in Western medicine. Essentially, the idea with TCM is that the mind and body are one entity. That means, to have good physical health, your spirit needs to be in good shape too. TCM practitioners treat the person, not the problem.

  • Gut Health in Eastern Medicine

    IBS: The Eastern Medicine Approach

    in Condition Related, Digestion / / 0 comments

    If you’re one of the 10 to 15% of Americans suffering from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), or you think you’re experiencing symptoms, then you’re probably well aware that there’s no surefire cure. But that doesn’t mean you have to just deal with — there’s a lot you can do to reduce symptoms so you can keep living your life to the fullest.

  • Eastern Medicine For Chapped Lips

    Eternally Chapped Lips? Here Are Some Natural Solutions

    in Condition Related, General Wellness / / 0 comments

    Are your lips perpetually chapped? If so, you’ve probably run the gamut when it comes to chapstick. But really, chapstick isn’t doing that much to keep your lips moist in the long run. If anything, chapstick is a great temporary measure to keep your lips from cracking, but if you’re constantly greasing up your mouth, there’s a chance you may have deeper health issues at work. 

  • Pug Sleepy

    Throw Away Your Sleeping Pills : 6 Tips For Better Natural Sleep

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    You got seven hours of sleep every night this week but still wake up feeling tired. The day seems to drag on, it’s hard to focus, and your energy is constantly low. Sound familiar? Lack of quality sleep is a problem for many of us, but before you pop another sleeping pill, consider trying a more natural approach.

  • Menopause treatments in Eastern Medicine

    4 Ways To Get Rid of Hot Flashes With Eastern Medicine

    in Condition Related, TCM / / 0 comments

    All of a sudden your face gets red, you start to sweat, and you feel like someone just cranked the thermostat all the way up–but everyone else in the room is fine. You’re having a hot flash, and you’re not alone. Did you know that 3 in 4 American women get hot flashes when they go through menopause? In fact, hot flashes are almost seen as the symbolic symptom of menopause, the 12 months of a woman’s life after her final period as her levels of reproductive hormones naturally decrease. But just because they’re common doesn’t mean you have to suffer through them. Luckily, there are science-backed ways to deal with hot flashes with Eastern medicine.

  • Taking Care of Your Eyes With Eastern Medicine

    More Than Meets The Eye: How To Take Care of Your Eyes With Eastern Medicine

    in Ayurveda, Condition Related, TCM / / 0 comments

    When was the last time you took some time to take care of your eyes? If the answer is not recently, you’re like most people because many people don’t realize how hard eyes actually work. And they stand up to some pretty tough conditions. UV rays from the sun can damage your eye tissue and increase the likelihood of cataracts. Pollen, mold and dust can give you allergic conjunctivitis. Too much screen time can cause chronic dry-eye. Even high blood pressure can be bad news for your eyes! Clearly, it’s important to keep an eye on your eye health. Here’s how you can keep your peepers healthy with some gems of wisdom from Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).

  • Fix Hormone Imbalances With Eastern Medicine

    Do You Have One Of These Common Hormone Imbalances? Here’s How To Treat It Naturally

    in Condition Related, TCM / / 0 comments

    From bloating and mood swings to fatigue, the signs of hormonal balance are frustrating to deal with. You might recognize them as symptoms of PMS or Menopause, which are natural changes in your hormone levels but they can also be signs of unnatural hormone fluctuations that can be bad for you in the long run. Unfortunately, hormonal imbalances are more common than you might think. But luckily, they’re treatable! And with a little help from Eastern medicine, you can find safe, natural ways to get your hormones back into balance. Here’s how.

  • Panic Attacks Treatment With Eastern Medicine

    3 Simple TCM Tips For Dealing With A Panic Attack

    in Condition Related, TCM / / 0 comments

    Whether you have an anxiety disorder or not, panic attacks can happen to anyone. They tend to be quick (they’re generally over in 10 minutes or so), and aren’t always triggered by a specific event. Some people think they’re having a heart attack, but in reality there’s no danger of dying from a panic attack. Of course, that doesn’t mean that it doesn’t feel like it! Panic attacks, for lack of a better word, suck. But luckily, there are tried-and-true methods for dealing with them. Here’s a few tips from Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) that can help prevent panic attacks and stop them when they happen.

  • Crohns in Eastern Medicine

    How to Control Crohn’s With TCM

    in Condition Related, TCM / / 0 comments

    Did you know that nearly 800,000 Americans struggle with the painful inflammatory bowel disease known as Crohn’s disease? Despite the large number of people with Crohn’s, little is known about it in the western medical world. Researchers and doctors don’t know why it happens, who will get it, or how to manage the symptoms. Though it’s been around for at least 30 years, there still is no cure. Like western medicine, Eastern medicine traditions like Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Ayurveda don’t have a cure for Crohn’s. But these medical practices, sometimes called Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) do offer some ways to manage symptoms, ease pain, and encourage remission of this unpleasant chronic disease. Read on to learn more.

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