

The Five Shen and Dream Interpretation in TCM
The Five Shen and Dream Interpretation in TCM
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In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the Five Shen (五神) represents the five spirits associated with the five major organs: Shen (Heart), Hun (Liver), Po (Lung), Yi (Spleen), and Zhi (Kidney). These spirits govern mental, emotional, and spiritual activities and play a crucial role in health and disease. The balance and interaction of these spirits are essential for physical and psychological well-being.

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The Shen-Hun Axis: Integrating Mental and Emotional Health in TCM
The Shen-Hun Axis: Integrating Mental and Emotional Health in TCM
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In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the Shen-Hun axis represents a profound interplay between the heart-mind (Shen) and the ethereal soul (Hun). This dynamic relationship is central to understanding mental and emotional health, offering insights into the management of psychiatric and psychosomatic disorders. The Shen (神) and Hun (魂) are two of the five spirits, each with distinct roles and influences on the individual’s psychological state and overall wellbeing. This blog explores the theoretical framework, clinical applications, and contemporary research on the Shen-Hun axis in TCM.

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Exploring the Role of the Extraordinary Vessels in TCM: Functions and Therapeutic Applications
Exploring the Role of the Extraordinary Vessels in TCM: Functions and Therapeutic Applications
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The extraordinary vessels, or “Qi Jing Ba Mai” (奇经八脉), hold a unique and vital position in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Unlike the primary meridians, these vessels do not pertain directly to any single organ system but serve as reservoirs of Qi and blood, influencing the body’s overall balance and homeostasis. They regulate, integrate, and link the primary meridians, providing a deeper level of treatment for complex and chronic conditions. This discussion delves into the specific functions and therapeutic applications of the extraordinary vessels, offering insights for advanced TCM practitioners.

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Divergent Meridians in TCM: Functions and Clinical Applications
Divergent Meridians in TCM: Functions and Clinical Applications
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Divergent meridians, or “Jing Bie” (经别), represent an advanced and somewhat esoteric aspect of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) meridian theory. These pathways diverge from the primary organ meridians, and are believed to play a crucial role in connecting the internal organs with the exterior body, thus maintaining overall health and addressing complex pathologies. Understanding divergent meridians is essential for advanced TCM practitioners seeking to treat chronic and recalcitrant conditions.

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The Role of Shen in TCM Psychiatry
The Role of Shen in TCM Psychiatry
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The concept of Shen (神) in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) psychiatry offers a profound understanding of mental health that extends beyond the Western biomedical model. Shen, often translated as spirit or mind, encompasses consciousness, mental functions, and emotional well-being. In TCM, Shen is housed in the heart and influenced by additional Zang organs, particularly the liver, spleen, lungs, and kidneys. This intricate interplay underscores the holistic approach of TCM to psychiatric conditions, highlighting the integration of physical and mental health.

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TCM Pulse Diagnosis and Cardiovascular Health
TCM Pulse Diagnosis and Cardiovascular Health
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The correlations between pulse diagnostics in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and specific cardiovascular conditions offer a profound depth of understanding for advanced practitioners. Pulse diagnosis, a cornerstone of TCM, provides nuanced insights into the state of the cardiovascular system transcending basic diagnostic methods.. This ancient practice remains relevant, aligned with modern cardiovascular pathology, enhancing diagnostic accuracy and  precision.

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The Inner Alchemy of Power: Qi in Martial Arts Unveiled – Cultivating Strength, Balance, and Resilience
The Inner Alchemy of Power: Qi in Martial Arts Unveiled – Cultivating Strength, Balance, and Resilience
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In the intricate dance between nature and the human body, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) unveils a symphony of advanced insights into seasonal attunement. Beyond surface-level recommendations, seasoned practitioners navigate the complexities of each season with precision, employing specialized acupuncture protocols, herbal formulations, and tonics. This exploration delves into the nuanced strategies of seasonal attunement, offering advanced details for practitioners seeking mastery in the profound principles of TCM.

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The Art of Wholeness: Daoist Medicine Unveiled – Bridging Philosophy and Healing
The Art of Wholeness: Daoist Medicine Unveiled – Bridging Philosophy and Healing
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In the intricate dance between nature and the human body, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) unveils a symphony of advanced insights into seasonal attunement. Beyond surface-level recommendations, seasoned practitioners navigate the complexities of each season with precision, employing specialized acupuncture protocols, herbal formulations, and tonics. This exploration delves into the nuanced strategies of seasonal attunement, offering advanced details for practitioners seeking mastery in the profound principles of TCM.

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The Art of Alignment: Feng Shui and Health – Nurturing Well-being through Harmonious Spaces
The Art of Alignment: Feng Shui and Health – Nurturing Well-being through Harmonious Spaces
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In the intricate dance between nature and the human body, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) unveils a symphony of advanced insights into seasonal attunement. Beyond surface-level recommendations, seasoned practitioners navigate the complexities of each season with precision, employing specialized acupuncture protocols, herbal formulations, and tonics. This exploration delves into the nuanced strategies of seasonal attunement, offering advanced details for practitioners seeking mastery in the profound principles of TCM.

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Mastering Seasonal Attunement in Traditional Chinese Medicine: Advanced Strategies for Optimal Health
Mastering Seasonal Attunement in Traditional Chinese Medicine: Advanced Strategies for Optimal Health
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In the intricate dance between nature and the human body, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) unveils a symphony of advanced insights into seasonal attunement. Beyond surface-level recommendations, seasoned practitioners navigate the complexities of each season with precision, employing specialized acupuncture protocols, herbal formulations, and tonics. This exploration delves into the nuanced strategies of seasonal attunement, offering advanced details for practitioners seeking mastery in the profound principles of TCM.

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Unveiling the Herbal Chronicles: Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing and Its Enduring Influence on Traditional Chinese Medicine
Unveiling the Herbal Chronicles: Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing and Its Enduring Influence on Traditional Chinese Medicine
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In the vast tapestry of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the roots of herbal wisdom delve deep into the pages of ancient texts. Among these timeless manuscripts, the Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing guides practitioners through the intricate world of herbal medicine. This exploration takes a profound dive into the historical significance of the Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing and illuminates the indelible mark it has left on TCM practices.

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Beyond the Needle: Exploring the Depths of Advanced Acupuncture Techniques
Beyond the Needle: Exploring the Depths of Advanced Acupuncture Techniques
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In the ever-evolving landscape of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), acupuncture emerges not just as a therapeutic tool but a dynamic field of exploration, offering advanced techniques that delve deeper into the intricacies of the body’s energy pathways. Beyond the fundamental insertion of needles lies a realm of sophisticated methodologies, each with its unique applications and benefits. This exploration takes a journey into the world of advanced acupuncture techniques, unveiling the nuances of electroacupuncture, scalp acupuncture, and abdominal acupuncture.

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Bridging Ancient Wisdom and Modern Science: TCM’s Validation through Recent Research
Bridging Ancient Wisdom and Modern Science: TCM’s Validation through Recent Research
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In the ancient tapestry of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the diagnostic techniques of tongue and pulse examination stand as intricate brushstrokes, revealing the canvas of one’s internal health. Far beyond mere observation, TCM practitioners have developed the art of deciphering the nuances of the tongue and pulse over thousands of years, unlocking a wealth of information that guides personalized treatment plans. In this exploration, we delve into the profound intricacies of tongue and pulse diagnosis, unraveling the wisdom encapsulated in these ancient practices.

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Unveiling the Wisdom: The Art of Tongue and Pulse Diagnosis in TCM
Unveiling the Wisdom: The Art of Tongue and Pulse Diagnosis in TCM
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In the ancient tapestry of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the diagnostic techniques of tongue and pulse examination stand as intricate brushstrokes, revealing the canvas of one’s internal health. Far beyond mere observation, TCM practitioners have developed the art of deciphering the nuances of the tongue and pulse over thousands of years, unlocking a wealth of information that guides personalized treatment plans. In this exploration, we delve into the profound intricacies of tongue and pulse diagnosis, unraveling the wisdom encapsulated in these ancient practices.

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Holistic Healing: TCM’s Advanced Approach to Mental Well-being
Holistic Healing: TCM’s Advanced Approach to Mental Well-being
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In the dynamic realm of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the approach to mental health extends beyond conventional methodologies. Rooted in ancient wisdom, TCM views mental well-being as an intricate dance between the body, mind, and spirit. In this holistic exploration, acupuncture, herbal medicine, and lifestyle adjustments play pivotal roles resulting in emotional equilibrium.

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A Holistic Approach: Treating Depression and Anxiety with Traditional Chinese Medicine
A Holistic Approach: Treating Depression and Anxiety with Traditional Chinese Medicine
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In recent years, the prevalence of depression and anxiety has risen significantly, sparking increased awareness and discussion. While Western medicine offers valuable treatments, many individuals seek holistic and complementary approaches to alleviate these conditions. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) offers a unique perspective and a rich array of therapies that can be used alone or in conjunction with Western treatments to address depression and anxiety. In this article, we’ll explore the TCM viewpoint on these disorders and provide insights into how individuals can integrate TCM practices into their existing treatment plans.

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The Foundation of Gut Health: Eastern Medicine’s Comprehensive Herbal Formula Recommendations
The Foundation of Gut Health: Eastern Medicine’s Comprehensive Herbal Formula Recommendations
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Gut health is the cornerstone of overall well-being, and both Western and Eastern Medicine recognizes its profound impact on the entire body. The gut, often referred to as the “second brain” or “Dan Tian” in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), is believed to be the core of optimal physical, mental, and emotional health. In this blog, we will explore the concept of gut health through the lens of Eastern Medicine, delving into the impact of gut health on various imbalances that can present as gut issues. We will provide detailed herbal formula recommendations that an Eastern Medicine practitioner may suggest for each specific gut-related concern.

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TCM For Female Related Issues
TCM For Female Related Issues
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TCM has an in-depth grasp of women’s health and offers holistic and all-natural methods to support them through all life phases. TCM recognizes the particular difficulties women confront throughout menstruation, pregnancy, perimenopause, and menopause and offers herbal treatments, acupuncture, and lifestyle suggestions to support hormonal balance, general well-being, and vitality.

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The Ancient Wonder: Reishi – A Comprehensive Exploration of Its Uses in Traditional Medicine
The Ancient Wonder: Reishi – A Comprehensive Exploration of Its Uses in Traditional Medicine
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Reishi, also known as Lingzhi or Ganoderma lucidum, is a unique mushroom with a long and storied history of use in traditional medicine. Revered as the “Mushroom of Immortality” in ancient cultures, Reishi has been a significant part of traditional healing practices for thousands of years. This blog will delve into the historical uses of Reishi in different cultures, its scientific properties backed by research studies, and its specific applications in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). We will explore the various forms of Reishi used, from raw to dried and cooked, as well as its inclusion in herbal formulas for a wide range of health conditions.

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How TCM Can Help With That Annoying Back Pain
How TCM Can Help With That Annoying Back Pain
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Chronic back pain is a common and debilitating condition that affects the lives of millions of people worldwide. Many individuals resort to harsh medications for temporary relief, often accompanied by side effects. Eastern Medicine, especially Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), offers a holistic approach to understanding and treating back pain. By identifying the different types of back pain and their root causes, Eastern Medicine provides targeted solutions that address both symptoms and the root within the body. In this blog, we will explore specific acupuncture points for each type of back pain and herbal remedies, empowering individuals to find lasting relief and lead happier, healthier lives.

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Embracing Inner Beauty: Traditional Chinese Medicine for Cosmetic Dermatology
Embracing Inner Beauty: Traditional Chinese Medicine for Cosmetic Dermatology
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In our pursuit of physical beauty, we often focus solely on external appearance and overlook the deep connection between our outer beauty and inner body. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) offers a holistic approach to cosmetic dermatology, recognizing that true beauty emanates from within. By addressing the body’s internal imbalances and promoting harmony, TCM can effectively treat common dermatological issues and enhance your natural radiance. In this blog, we will explore how TCM views physical beauty in relation to the internal body, common dermatological concerns that can be supported with TCM, and specific recommendations to achieve glowing and vibrant skin from the inside out.

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Herbal Remedies to Replace Common OTC Meds
Herbal Remedies to Replace Common OTC Meds
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The use of over-the-counter drugs has become widespread in our fast-paced environment. To support long-term health and wellbeing, many people are looking for natural and holistic options. The vast array of treatments and methods provided by Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) are based on several thousand years of knowledge and experience. TCM offers a comprehensive perspective and the average consumer can find mild but effective options for a number of common disorders.. TCM can replace over-the-counter medications for ailments like insomnia, fever, allergies, general pain, colds and flu, and digestive problems enabling people to adopt a more healthy and balanced lifestyle.TCM Fundamentals look at the root cause of each imbalance and not all remedies are equal.

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TCM Teas for Excessive Heat
TCM Teas for Excessive Heat
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In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the concept of excess heat plays a significant role in understanding imbalances within the body and the environment. Excess heat can arise from various factors, including the seasons, weather conditions, indoor environments, hormonal imbalances, stagnation, diet and illnesses. By recognizing these influences and their effects on the body, TCM provides a comprehensive approach to restoring balance and promoting well-being. In this blog, we explore how excess heat is perceived in TCM, its diverse origins, and the traditional Chinese teas that can help address each type of excess heat.

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Navigating the Landscape of Alternative Medicine Legislation: Emphasizing Herbal Medications
Navigating the Landscape of Alternative Medicine Legislation: Emphasizing Herbal Medications
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Alternative medicine, including herbal medications, has gained popularity worldwide as people seek natural and holistic approaches to health and well-being. However, the legislative landscape surrounding alternative medicine is complex and varies from country to country. In this blog, we will explore the current legislation and rules pertaining to herbal medications, identify existing deficiencies, and propose changes to better the industry. While acknowledging the importance of safety and quality control, we will also discuss the need for more inclusive and flexible regulations to support the growth of alternative medicine.

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The Ancient Art of Foot Soaking: A Refreshing Journey to Well-Being
The Ancient Art of Foot Soaking: A Refreshing Journey to Well-Being
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Foot soaking, a time-honored practice that dates back centuries, is a simple yet effective way to relax, rejuvenate, and promote overall well-being. Cultures across the globe have embraced this therapeutic ritual, recognizing its potential benefits for physical and mental health. In this blog, we will delve into the history and cultural significance of foot soaking, explore its recommended uses and believed benefits, and offer various options for enhancing your foot soak experience. Furthermore, we will highlight some scientific research supporting the usage of foot soaking for various health conditions.

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Why and How Oncologists are Leaning in to Eastern Medicine
Why and How Oncologists are Leaning in to Eastern Medicine
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In recent years, there has been a noticeable increase in acceptance and acknowledgement of the integration of Eastern medicine, notably Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), inside Western medicine. By combining the advantages of both systems, this cooperative strategy offers a more thorough and all-encompassing approach to healthcare. We will examine how Eastern medicine is being applied alongside Western medicine in a number of sectors in this blog, with an emphasis on its usage in oncology. We will explore specific case studies, ongoing research, well-known medical professionals, hospital systems, and Eastern medicine’s protocols, uses, and results.

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Licensing Requirements for Acupuncturists and Herbalists in the United States: A State-by-State Guide and Finding a Practitioner
Licensing Requirements for Acupuncturists and Herbalists in the United States: A State-by-State Guide and Finding a Practitioner
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As more Westerners begin to hear about the benefits of acupuncture and herbal treatments, they, too, begin to think, “I wonder if this could help me?” If you’re thinking about exploring your personal options, you may wonder how to know if you’ve found a good acupuncturist. While Google might help you with some reviews, the most important thing to look for is someone with proper credentialing.

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Eastern Medicine Tips For Summer
Eastern Medicine Tips For Summer
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As the warmth of summer embraces us, Eastern medicine offers valuable insights and practices to optimize our health and well-being during this vibrant season. In Eastern medicine, each season is believed to affect our body’s channels and meridians, influencing our overall vitality. This blog will provide you with a background on how Eastern medicine views the summer season, explore the impact on our energetic pathways, and offer several detailed tips to support your health and wellness using Eastern medicine principles.

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Top 10 Most Common Herbal Formulas in Traditional Chinese Medicine
Top 10 Most Common Herbal Formulas in Traditional Chinese Medicine
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There are thousands of formulas commonly used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Why is that? Well, practitioners of Eastern Medicine, don’t have a one-size-fits-all solution for conditions, rather they prescribe formulas based on each individual person’s underlying imbalance. With that being said, there are a few formulas that are a key tool for most TCM practitioners:

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Unveiling Alternative Pharma: The Rise Of Alternative Drugs
Unveiling Alternative Pharma: The Rise Of Alternative Drugs
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A new trend in the healthcare sector has recently attracted the interest of both patients and professionals. The term “alternative pharmaceuticals,” or “alt pharma,” refers to a wide range of non-traditional medical treatments and therapies that are becoming more and more popular among people looking for alternatives to conventional medications. Now, it’s important to note that non-traditional refers to not traditionally available in America. In all actuality, what we are calling alt pharma is, ironically enough, traditional medicine. It is the medicine that has been used throughout Asia, Africa and other indigenous areas since the beginning of time.

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Understanding the Basics of TCM
Understanding the Basics of TCM
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Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda have for thousands of years revered brain health. The brain is an important part of the nervous system and one of the largest organs in the body. While nootropics are all the rage now, the ancient medicine systems have long considered “Mind Body” health. In fact, in TCM the brain is considered one of six “Extraordinary Organs.” Western Medicine Medical Schools and research studies are catching on, and are now looking at mind body approaches such as meditation, yoga, tai chi, cognitive skills, lifestyle interventions, and positive psychology. They’re researching how these modalities can prevent or improve stress-related illnesses, ranging from asthma to hypertension, functional bowel diseases and pain syndromes. Needless to say, there is a lot of research and for good reason. 

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Eastern Medicine and the Brain
Eastern Medicine and the Brain
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Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda have for thousands of years revered brain health. The brain is an important part of the nervous system and one of the largest organs in the body. While nootropics are all the rage now, the ancient medicine systems have long considered “Mind Body” health. In fact, in TCM the brain is considered one of six “Extraordinary Organs.” Western Medicine Medical Schools and research studies are catching on, and are now looking at mind body approaches such as meditation, yoga, tai chi, cognitive skills, lifestyle interventions, and positive psychology. They’re researching how these modalities can prevent or improve stress-related illnesses, ranging from asthma to hypertension, functional bowel diseases and pain syndromes. Needless to say, there is a lot of research and for good reason. 

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Unveiling the Wisdom of Traditional Chinese Medicine: A Comprehensive Introduction
Unveiling the Wisdom of Traditional Chinese Medicine: A Comprehensive Introduction
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Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is a holistic healing system that dates back thousands of years and has its roots in ancient China. Unlike Western medicine, which focuses on treating specific symptoms or diseases, TCM views the body as an interconnected whole, where balance and harmony are essential for overall health. This comprehensive approach involves various modalities, such as acupuncture, herbal medicine, diet therapy, and mind-body practices, all working together to promote well-being and prevent illness. In this blog, we will provide a brief overview of TCM, followed by an exploration of the top 10 most common herbal formulas used in TCM. Each formula will be outlined with its ingredients, administration, common uses, and the wisdom behind its effectiveness.

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Ways to Incorporate Helpful Eastern Medicine Herbs Into Your Cooking
Ways to Incorporate Helpful Eastern Medicine Herbs Into Your Cooking
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Eastern medicine holds that our total health and happiness can be seen in the eyes. We can see the quality of a person’s “shen” through their eyes, which loosely translates to spirit. Think of it like instantly knowing someone feels unwell by the look in their eyes.

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What Your Eyes Say About You According To Eastern Medicine
What Your Eyes Say About You According To Eastern Medicine
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Eastern medicine holds that our total health and happiness can be seen in the eyes. We can see the quality of a person’s “shen” through their eyes, which loosely translates to spirit. Think of it like instantly knowing someone feels unwell by the look in their eyes.

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Weight Loss and Acupuncture
Weight Loss and Acupuncture
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With all of the “lose weight fast” scams on the market, it can be easy to fall for them. Who doesn’t want an overnight fix to shed a few pounds? Obesity was first mentioned in Chinese medicine in the Yellow Emperor’s Internal Classic of Medicine, and since then Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has evolved to offer several healthy solutions for weight loss to fit your lifestyle.

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Infertility Treatments With TCM
Infertility Treatments With TCM
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If you’ve been struggling with infertility, you’re not alone. In fact, infertility is a common issue affecting around 15% of couples trying to conceive during their reproductive years. If Western medicine tactics haven’t helped, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) may have a solution for you. Let’s dive into how TCM can assist with infertility issues. 

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Treating a Cough With Traditional Chinese Medicine
Treating a Cough With Traditional Chinese Medicine
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Have you ever had a cough that overstayed its welcome? Even the tiniest tickle in your throat that won’t quit can drive you nuts. If you’ve tried Western medicine tactics that aren’t working, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) can help. Let’s get into it.

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Eastern Medicine Tips and Tricks for When it Gets Cold Out
Eastern Medicine Tips and Tricks for When it Gets Cold Out
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Fall is here which means cold weather is right around the corner. While we love sweaters and cozying up under a warm blanket, it’s important to remember that the cold months bring on a lot of illness. The good news is that Eastern medicine is here to help you keep your immune system in tip top shape. Let’s look at what winter means in Traditional Chinese Medicine, TCM, and how to stay warm and healthy.

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Signs Your Body and Mind Need A Break
Signs Your Body and Mind Need A Break
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We all deserve a break once in a while, but sometimes we wait too long. Ignoring the signs from your body that it’s time for a break won’t do you any good. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, TCM, everything in the body is connected, and your body will give you clues when it’s time to rest. Let’s look at some signs you may need to take a break according to Chinese medicine.

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Oral Health 101: The Eastern Medicine Take
Oral Health 101: The Eastern Medicine Take
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Typically, topical remedies can be used alongside herbal remedies in a Chinese medicine treatment plan. In fact, you can make your own at home! Let’s look at topical TCM and how to make your own concoctions.

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Topical TCM: What are the Benefits, and How Do I Make My Own?
Topical TCM: What are the Benefits, and How Do I Make My Own?
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Typically, topical remedies can be used alongside herbal remedies in a Chinese medicine treatment plan. In fact, you can make your own at home! Let’s look at topical TCM and how to make your own concoctions.

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How to Use Chinese Medicine to Give Your Brain a Boost
How to Use Chinese Medicine to Give Your Brain a Boost
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Has your mind been feeling cloudy, or do you have trouble focusing? You’re not alone. With chaotic lives and so much going on around the world, almost everyone has been having trouble focusing. The good news is that there are Chinese medicine remedies to give your brain the boost it needs to get through the day.

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How To Stay Balanced While Working Remotely
How To Stay Balanced While Working Remotely
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Qigong is a modality that’s been used in traditional Chinese medicine for thousands of years. The goal of this practice is to harmonize the energy within the mind, body and spirit. While qigong was developed almost 4,000 years ago, it can still change your life today. Combining the elements and practicing qigong daily can provide many mental and physical health benefits. Let’s get into it. 

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Eastern Medicine For IBS
Eastern Medicine For IBS
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Qigong is a modality that’s been used in traditional Chinese medicine for thousands of years. The goal of this practice is to harmonize the energy within the mind, body and spirit. While qigong was developed almost 4,000 years ago, it can still change your life today. Combining the elements and practicing qigong daily can provide many mental and physical health benefits. Let’s get into it. 

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7 Ways Health Qigong Can Improve Your Life 
7 Ways Health Qigong Can Improve Your Life 
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Qigong is a modality that’s been used in traditional Chinese medicine for thousands of years. The goal of this practice is to harmonize the energy within the mind, body and spirit. While qigong was developed almost 4,000 years ago, it can still change your life today. Combining the elements and practicing qigong daily can provide many mental and physical health benefits. Let’s get into it. 

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The Connection Between CCM and Spirituality
The Connection Between CCM and Spirituality
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TCM was developed with the influence of traditional Chinese philosophy and religion. That means that there’s a connection to spirituality that you don’t get in Western medicine. Essentially, the idea with TCM is that the mind and body are one entity. That means, to have good physical health, your spirit needs to be in good shape too. TCM practitioners treat the person, not the problem.

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IBS: The Eastern Medicine Approach
IBS: The Eastern Medicine Approach
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If you’re one of the 10 to 15% of Americans suffering from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), or you think you’re experiencing symptoms, then you’re probably well aware that there’s no surefire cure. But that doesn’t mean you have to just deal with — there’s a lot you can do to reduce symptoms so you can keep living your life to the fullest.

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How To Buck The Smoothie Culture Trend
How To Buck The Smoothie Culture Trend
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Here’s a harsh truth: Smoothies are exceptionally delicious, but they can be deceitfully bad for you. For starters, they’re high in sugar, and since smoothies are liquids, you get the calorie intake without the benefit of feeling full. That doesn’t bode well if your end goal is to lose weight. So does that mean you should shun smoothies forever? Not necessarily. Read on to learn more about smoothies and how, with some moderation and effort, you can still enjoy them and stay healthy. 

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Curb Your Coffee Habit: How & Why to Switch to Tea
Curb Your Coffee Habit: How & Why to Switch to Tea
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Around 90 percent of Americans consume at least 300 milligrams of caffeine everyday, making it the most widespread addiction in the nation. While addiction may sound like a strong word to use when talking about coffee, the reality is your body does become dependent on it, and cutting out the habit can be tough. Read on to learn more about the health benefits of switching from coffee to tea and how you can make the transition seamlessly — without the headache. 

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Survive Summertime & Sun – A Holistic Approach
Survive Summertime & Sun – A Holistic Approach
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Summer’s almost here, and depending on where you live, you might be feeling the heat already. If you love the warm weather, then that’s probably your cue to swap out your jeans for boardshorts and hit the beach (or the nearest swimming pool). But, before you dive into that sweet summer mindset, you should prepare your body and mind with these TCM tips so you can stay healthy in the heat!

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Achy Muscles and Eastern Medicine
Achy Muscles and Eastern Medicine
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Went too hard in the gym? Forgot to stretch? Quarantine turned you into a couch potato? Living with achy muscles? Your body crying out in this way does not need to be the norm. Western medicine may say to pop a pill and move on with your day, but Eastern medicine has different strategies to help improve the symptoms.

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Better Than Botox
Better Than Botox
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Not feeling the best in your own skin due to breakouts? Many times we blame our breakouts on the environment or feelour skin hates us but TCM philosophy and practice thinks otherwise. The Chinese proverb, “An empty pot makes the loudest noise,” can be applied to many aspects of life. It’s especially true when we talk about skin and beauty.

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Why Acupuncture Is On The Rise
Why Acupuncture Is On The Rise
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In Eastern medicine, a certain part of the mouth can speak volumes about a patient’s health. The tongue can be used as an accurate diagnostic tool to tell you about your health and identify treatments that will best suit your body’s needs.

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Tongue Mapping 101
Tongue Mapping 101
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In Eastern medicine, a certain part of the mouth can speak volumes about a patient’s health. The tongue can be used as an accurate diagnostic tool to tell you about your health and identify treatments that will best suit your body’s needs.

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Regulating Your Body Temperature With Eastern Medicine
Regulating Your Body Temperature With Eastern Medicine
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Are your feet and hands always cold? Do you have sporadic pain in your side rib? Are you sometimes moody or irritable? Chances are you are having trouble regulating inner body temperature. Here’s how Eastern Medicine can help to regulate it.

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Your Guide to Growing an Eastern Medicine Style Garden
Your Guide to Growing an Eastern Medicine Style Garden
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Whether you have a sunny windowsill or a sprawling garden, you can plant eastern herbs that will keep you feeling well all year long.

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The Effects of Adaptogens and Stimulants on the Body
The Effects of Adaptogens and Stimulants on the Body
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Enter, Adaptogens.. They’re primarily used as immediate stress relief. Before you go popping a handful of anything with ‘adaptogen’ written on the bottle, it’s important to know what you are taking. Let’s look at adaptogens and how they affect the body.

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How Eastern Medicine Can Help Improve Your Relationships
How Eastern Medicine Can Help Improve Your Relationships
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Our lives can get busy, and relationship maintenance can fall to the wayside. When you turn to the internet to find tips and tricks on improving your relationship, the tips are all the same. Listening to each other and planning a date night is great, but what about other options?

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Optimizing Your Body, Mind, and Environment For Summer
Optimizing Your Body, Mind, and Environment For Summer
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Just as Summer brings about changes in nature and way of life, it also brings about changes in the body. It’s a time of movement, growth, and expansion. Tuning into these changes can help to optimize your health and stay connected with your body and nature. 

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Put The Kibosh on Multitasking STAT
Put The Kibosh on Multitasking STAT
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You may think reading your emails while listening to a podcast and cooking breakfast is the ultimate way to be productive, but it actually has the opposite effect. From an eastern medicine perspective, multitasking is thought to injure the mind and body. If you’re suffering from fatigue, burnout, and mental exhaustion, multitasking may be the reason.

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5 Things You Can Do Right Now to Boost Your Circulation & Energy Levels
5 Things You Can Do Right Now to Boost Your Circulation & Energy Levels
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In our fast-paced world, many look to coffee, energy drinks, or quick fixes to stay alert throughout the day. An eastern medicine approach looks to support energy and circulation from the inside out by addressing the root cause of the imbalance. We are all trying to feel, and function at our best, so here are 5 things you can do today to boost your circulation and energy levels

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What Your Pulse Can Tell You About Your Health
What Your Pulse Can Tell You About Your Health
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Did you know that just by assessing your pulse, practitioners can identify the health of your organs and the source of your symptoms?
If you’re new to eastern medicine practices, this method of diagnosis will probably be a whole new concept to you. However, pulse diagnosis has been a regular eastern medicine practice for thousands of years.

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Why You Shouldn’t Ignore Nagging Gut Issues
Why You Shouldn’t Ignore Nagging Gut Issues
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Are your gut issues a fact of life? Or is something more going on? Most people have accepted or gotten used to living with gut issues like bloating, diarrhea, and constipation. Eastern medicine views these symptoms as signs of underlying imbalances that impact more than digestion. While you may feel these nagging gut issues are just a normal part of life, they may be your body’s way of communicating a greater problem.

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What You Need to Know Before Adding Herbal Supplements to Your Regimen
What You Need to Know Before Adding Herbal Supplements to Your Regimen
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Ok, you’ve learned all about herbs, and now you’re ready to add them to your regime. We want to help you add herbal supplements to your regime the right way. Let’s talk about what you need to know first, how to incorporate herbs into your routine, and when you can expect to see results.

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What Your Skin Says About You from an Eastern Medicine Perspective
What Your Skin Says About You from an Eastern Medicine Perspective
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The skin is the surface layer between your inner and outside world, and when issues begin to arise in your skin, this can actually be a sign of something occurring on a deeper level.
The skin is actually the largest organ in your body (who thought that was an organ? Be honest!), and when something is going on internally, it is often the first place to show it. Eastern medicine takes a unique approach to skin health by addressing things from the inside out.

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What Your Type of Sleeplessness Says About You According to Eastern Medicine
What Your Type of Sleeplessness Says About You According to Eastern Medicine
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While many of us in the West have gotten use to poor sleep, Eastern medicine places a high priority on sleep. It views sleep as a vital sign of a person’s general health and happiness, and a sleep analysis is part of an initial consultation with a practitioner. A person’s physical, mental, and emotional health can be inferred from the quality and amount of sleep they are getting.

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Stress & Eastern Medicine
Stress & Eastern Medicine
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When stress goes undealt with, it builds up and can affect virtually every area of your life. It can have negative effects on your mind and body. From your ability to produce your best at work or school or even how you function in relationships. With pent-up stress, you’ll probably find that you’re harder on yourself, you lash out at others, and you get easily overwhelmed. Stress can also affect your physical health. It’s important to be preventative in your stress management. Find ways to reduce stress so you can feel and function your best. If you’re looking for some more natural solutions for coping with everyday stress, try these eastern medicine remedies.

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How To Love Your Liver
How To Love Your Liver
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You are constantly putting stress on your liver through the barrage of toxins in our environment, and you likely don’t even realize it. Thankfully, with the help of eastern medicine, there are some simple and natural ways to improve your health and give your liver some much-needed love!

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Winter Foods To Keep Your Body In Tip-Top Shape
Winter Foods To Keep Your Body In Tip-Top Shape
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The days are shorter, and the cold is closing in. TCM winter foods are exactly what you should be eating for an energizing diet this time of year. They keep your skin looking fresh by adding hydration-packed nourishment, and they infuse your organs with magic. Well, not really magic, but the perfect combination of ingredients to keep you healthy during the cold. Let’s talk about what Eastern medicine thinks about eating with the seasons and managing your diet in the winter.

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Eternally Chapped Lips? Here Are Some Natural Solutions
Eternally Chapped Lips? Here Are Some Natural Solutions
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Are your lips perpetually chapped? If so, you’ve probably run the gamut when it comes to chapstick. But really, chapstick isn’t doing that much to keep your lips moist in the long run. If anything, chapstick is a great temporary measure to keep your lips from cracking, but if you’re constantly greasing up your mouth, there’s a chance you may have deeper health issues at work. 

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Post Corona Travel – Natural Prep Before, During & After
Post Corona Travel – Natural Prep Before, During & After
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Excessive time indoors definitely triggers your wanderlust, and with all the quarantining and social distancing going on, you’re probably booking your next big trip already. But, before you hop on a plane anytime soon, you need to plan accordingly — and we’re not just talking about your itinerary.

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Throw Away Your Sleeping Pills : 6 Tips For Better Natural Sleep
Throw Away Your Sleeping Pills : 6 Tips For Better Natural Sleep
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You got seven hours of sleep every night this week but still wake up feeling tired. The day seems to drag on, it’s hard to focus, and your energy is constantly low. Sound familiar? Lack of quality sleep is a problem for many of us, but before you pop another sleeping pill, consider trying a more natural approach.

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The Spleen and Eastern Medicine
The Spleen and Eastern Medicine
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The Spleen and Stomach in Eastern Medicine are the main organs that support your digestion. They are paired organs in Eastern Medicine, one yin and one yang. As with most things in Eastern Medicine, they key is finding balance. This is especially true of your Spleen where you can use food and lifestyle changes to support not only your digestion, but your health overall.

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Why The Should-Be-Happy Holidays Stress Us Out And How To Deal Naturally
Why The Should-Be-Happy Holidays Stress Us Out And How To Deal Naturally
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Even though it feels like it was just March yesterday, the holidays are here. Sure that means fun Friendsgivings and a rocking NYE party (though who knows that that means this year), but it also means midnight amazon cart filling and houseguests up in your space. For many of us, it’s both equal parts fun and chaos, and that up and down is stressful. Here’s how to chill out naturally (without too many eggnogs) this holiday season and beyond.

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Teas and Tinctures For Your Period
Teas and Tinctures For Your Period
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Aunt Flow is here. It’s that time of the month. The crimson tide has arrived. It’s shark week!

Whatever you call it, your period has arrived. That means you probably need a way to ease your symptoms, get some energy back, and make it through the week like the boss babe you are.

When Midol doesn’t cut it, TCM has your back.

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When East Meets West: Treating Raynaud’s Disease
When East Meets West: Treating Raynaud’s Disease
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If you grew up anywhere in the US where ticks are common, you’re probably trained to recognize the symptoms of Lyme Disease, but do you know what you can do to help ease the symptoms of it?

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The TCM Take On Lyme Disease
The TCM Take On Lyme Disease
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If you grew up anywhere in the US where ticks are common, you’re probably trained to recognize the symptoms of Lyme Disease, but do you know what you can do to help ease the symptoms of it?

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Tinctures 101
Tinctures 101
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Tinctures may be a new term to you, but they are nothing new. They have been used for thousands of years to deliver the benefits of herbs. Learn how they’re made, how to take them and other helpful information.

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What Your Lips Are Telling You According To Eastern Medicine
What Your Lips Are Telling You According To Eastern Medicine
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They say eyes are windows to the soul, but your lips just may be windows to your health. The color, texture, and condition of your lips can reveal illnesses and imbalances in your body that might be tough to detect another way. Here’s what your lips are saying about you, according to TCM.

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How Your Emotions Impact Your Immunity
How Your Emotions Impact Your Immunity
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When our emotions fester and we don’t deal with them in a healthy way, they start to take their toll on the body as well as the mind. In particular, unchecked emotions can have a big impact on your immune system.

Here’s what you need to stay happy and healthy, in body and mind.

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Give Your Lady Parts Some TLC With TCM
Give Your Lady Parts Some TLC With TCM
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If you’re looking to take care of your downstairs, don’t grab harsh chemical-y products. Instead, take a page out of TCM’s book and go for a more natural, gentle method. Here’s a crash course on taking care of your lady parts with TCM.

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Custom Herbal Formulas: The Future of Medicine?
Custom Herbal Formulas: The Future of Medicine?
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Herbal formulas have been used for thousands of years and have become pretty precise and sometimes complex. It’s kind of like the all-natural version of pharmaceutical drugs. Lots of different things come together to create a powerful medicine that can keep people healthy. But just because these recipes are old and well-tested doesn’t mean they’re set in stone. TCM is all about treating the individual person in all their uniqueness, so it makes sense that herbal formulas can be customized to exactly what you need.

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Beyond Powders and Pills: 5 Easy Ashwagandha Recipes
Beyond Powders and Pills: 5 Easy Ashwagandha Recipes
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Ashwagandha. Lately, it’s been everywhere–from the pages of Vogue to the vitamin shelves at your local pharmacy. But this adaptogenic herb has a history way older than that. In fact, it’s one of the most important herbs in the Ayurvedic medicine tradition which has been around for more than 3,000 years! If you’re really trying to get the Ashwagandha experience, it’s time to skip the capsules and mix-ins in favor of the real thing.

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Herbal Ear Oil? It’s A Thing, And You Might Want To Try it
Herbal Ear Oil? It’s A Thing, And You Might Want To Try it
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When you go to clean your ears, what do you reach for? The classic, a trusty q-tip? Or maybe you’re into ear candles to melt the wax out.
Unfortunately, both of these methods are problematic. Herbal ear oil, on the other hand, has been done for thousands of years in Ayurvedic medicine to help keep the ears and jaws clean and healthy.

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More Than Just A Number: TCM And Aging
More Than Just A Number: TCM And Aging
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Some people say that age is just a number–what really matters is how old you feel on the inside. But according to TCM, age is actually pretty important. There’s an ancient Chinese text called the Huang Di Nei Jing, and it lays out the stages of life for both men and women. And all of these stages correspond to certain ages. So cute phrases aside, age really does matter when it comes to your health and TCM.

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Soup, Smoothies and Salads, Oh My! 3 Eastern Medicine Detox Recipes
Soup, Smoothies and Salads, Oh My! 3 Eastern Medicine Detox Recipes
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No matter what an Instagram influencer might tell you, you don’t actually need to buy an expensive juice cleanse or mysterious detox tea to flush out your body. Our organs were made to keep our bodies clean. But that doesn’t mean our detoxing organs can’t use a little help now and then. If you’re feeling like your body needs a reset, you can focus on supporting those organs and systems that are already working hard to remove toxins. Here are some recipes to get you started…

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Wu Gu: The Five Chinese Grains and Why You Need To Know About Them
Wu Gu: The Five Chinese Grains and Why You Need To Know About Them
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Chances, you probably think of rice and beans as relatively basic (if not boring!) foods. But if you’re familiar with TCM at all, you’ll probably know that food is medicine. In fact, an entire ancient medical textbook was written about it and outlines the Five Natures and Flavors of Food. The Five Flavor theory doesn’t stop there, though. It also includes something called wu gu, or the Five Grains: Wheat, Brown Rice, Millet, White Rice and Beans. So why does all of this matter? Well, each grain is connected to an organ – read on to find out how these grains can help your health.

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Herbal Decoctions Versus Herbal Tinctures: What’s The Difference?
Herbal Decoctions Versus Herbal Tinctures: What’s The Difference?
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Do you know what the difference between herbal teas, decoctions, and tinctures is? As it turns out, the difference is actually pretty minor. But that small difference can have major results. Here’s what you need to know about herbal tinctures, decoctions, and everything else in between!

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Wacky Weed or Culinary Delight? What You Need To Know About Purslane
Wacky Weed or Culinary Delight? What You Need To Know About Purslane
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If you’ve ever heard of Purslane, you probably know it as an annoying succulent-type weed that will grow pretty much anywhere, in any conditions. But it’s actually an edible succulent that is loaded with vitamins and nutrients. Plus, it’s delicious! It’s been eaten around the world, raw or cooked, for hundreds of years. And we’re predicting that it’s going to be a major culinary trend very soon. So read on to learn everything you need to know about this wonderful weed that can help with everything from inflammation to infection.

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4 Ways To Hack Your Happiness Chemicals With Eastern Medicine
4 Ways To Hack Your Happiness Chemicals With Eastern Medicine
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It seems like there’s a life hack for everything lately–even your brain. In some ways, our brains are pretty complicated. But did you know that they can also be hacked if you know what you’re doing? If you’re looking to feel better, be happier, and have healthier relationships, here’s what you need to know about targeting and boosting your happy chemicals with Eastern medicine.

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4 Ways To Get Rid of Hot Flashes With Eastern Medicine
4 Ways To Get Rid of Hot Flashes With Eastern Medicine
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All of a sudden your face gets red, you start to sweat, and you feel like someone just cranked the thermostat all the way up–but everyone else in the room is fine. You’re having a hot flash, and you’re not alone. Did you know that 3 in 4 American women get hot flashes when they go through menopause? In fact, hot flashes are almost seen as the symbolic symptom of menopause, the 12 months of a woman’s life after her final period as her levels of reproductive hormones naturally decrease. But just because they’re common doesn’t mean you have to suffer through them. Luckily, there are science-backed ways to deal with hot flashes with Eastern medicine.

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7 Questions Your TCM Practitioner Will Ask You
7 Questions Your TCM Practitioner Will Ask You
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By now, most of us know the drill when it comes to a typical visit to the doctor. But when your doctor is a Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) practitioner, the process is a little different. After all, Western medicine and Eastern medicine are two completely different beasts. They understand the body, sickness, and health in very different terms. So it makes sense that a visit to a TCM practitioner won’t be the same as a trip to your primary care provider’s office. In an attempt to demystify eastern medicine like TCM, here’s what you can expect to be asked by your TCM practitioner.

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Keep It Cool: The Eastern Medicine Beach Day Guide
Keep It Cool: The Eastern Medicine Beach Day Guide
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Summer’s here, and chances are that you’ll be heading to the beach or lake to hit the sand and soak up some sun soon. But if you’re not careful, all that salt, sun, and sand can turn you into a crispy lobster by the end of your fun day out! Stay safe, cool, and protected by following these simple Eastern medicine tips for your next beach day.

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More Than Meets The Eye: How To Take Care of Your Eyes With Eastern Medicine
More Than Meets The Eye: How To Take Care of Your Eyes With Eastern Medicine
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When was the last time you took some time to take care of your eyes? If the answer is not recently, you’re like most people because many people don’t realize how hard eyes actually work. And they stand up to some pretty tough conditions. UV rays from the sun can damage your eye tissue and increase the likelihood of cataracts. Pollen, mold and dust can give you allergic conjunctivitis. Too much screen time can cause chronic dry-eye. Even high blood pressure can be bad news for your eyes! Clearly, it’s important to keep an eye on your eye health. Here’s how you can keep your peepers healthy with some gems of wisdom from Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).

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Living For The Weekend? How To Ditch Sunday Scaries With TCM
Living For The Weekend? How To Ditch Sunday Scaries With TCM
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We all know about Sunday Scaries – that feeling of dread and anxiety that creeps up as the weekend comes to a close and a new week looms on the horizon. They can suck almost all of the fun out of the last day of your weekend! Everybody’s Sunday Scaries are a little different. For some people, they hit right as you wake up and realize you this was your last morning without an alarm set for a few days. For others, that dread slowly grows throughout the evening as you figure out exactly how many emails you’re going to have to face the next day. And for some people with non-traditional schedules, Sunday Scaries aren’t even on Sunday! We might not be able to get rid of Sundays, but we can definitely ditch the Scaries. Here’s how to use some Eastern medicine wisdom to transform Sunday from sour to sweet and make the most of your 48 hours of freedom.

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Do You Have One Of These Common Hormone Imbalances? Here’s How To Treat It Naturally
Do You Have One Of These Common Hormone Imbalances? Here’s How To Treat It Naturally
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From bloating and mood swings to fatigue, the signs of hormonal balance are frustrating to deal with. You might recognize them as symptoms of PMS or Menopause, which are natural changes in your hormone levels but they can also be signs of unnatural hormone fluctuations that can be bad for you in the long run. Unfortunately, hormonal imbalances are more common than you might think. But luckily, they’re treatable! And with a little help from Eastern medicine, you can find safe, natural ways to get your hormones back into balance. Here’s how.

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3 Simple TCM Tips For Dealing With A Panic Attack
3 Simple TCM Tips For Dealing With A Panic Attack
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Whether you have an anxiety disorder or not, panic attacks can happen to anyone. They tend to be quick (they’re generally over in 10 minutes or so), and aren’t always triggered by a specific event. Some people think they’re having a heart attack, but in reality there’s no danger of dying from a panic attack. Of course, that doesn’t mean that it doesn’t feel like it! Panic attacks, for lack of a better word, suck. But luckily, there are tried-and-true methods for dealing with them. Here’s a few tips from Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) that can help prevent panic attacks and stop them when they happen.

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Dry Brushing: What’s The Deal With This Viral Beauty Trend?
Dry Brushing: What’s The Deal With This Viral Beauty Trend?
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A-listers from Miranda Kerr to Chrissy Teigan are all doing it. But what the heck is dry brushing, exactly? Believe it or not, this viral beauty trend is actually pretty old. In fact, we’re talking ancient. It comes from the Ayurvedic practice called garshana and it’s been practiced by people for thousands of years. Here’s what you need to know about this old-made-new beauty ritual.

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3 Cool Herbs For Summer And Delish Recipes To Make With Them
3 Cool Herbs For Summer And Delish Recipes To Make With Them
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It’s getting HOT, kids are out of school, and backyard BBQs are in full swing. That’s right, it’s officially summer. But as temps get higher, you’ll want to balance out that heat with some cooling foods. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), different foods can have one of five different temperatures: hot, warm, neutral, cool, and cold. The goal of TCM is to keep ourselves balanced and in harmony with nature, so it’s a good idea to stock up on cold and cooling foods during the sweltering summer. In TCM, food that has cooling or cold properties is chock-full of Yin energy. That means it’s associated with things like the moon, the earth, women, coldness, darkness, and rest. Foods with yin energy help to get rid of the extra heat and dryness that comes along with during the summer months. Keep cool in the heat of summer with these 3 herbs.

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