
Author archive for welleum

  • How You Could Be Making Yourself Sick

    4 Ways You Make Yourself Sick (and What to Do About It)

    in General Wellness / / 0 comments

    Do you need two hands to count how many workouts you fit into a week? If that’s you, then you’re probably obsessed with your health. While taking care of yourself should be a top priority, there are tons of things we do on a daily basis that are really bad for us, like dwelling on negative thoughts or not drinking enough water. When it comes to true health and happiness, balance is key. Below are a few things to keep in mind to make sure you’re keeping your overall health in check. 

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  • Both Broth In Eastern Medicine

    Why Bone Broth Should Be Your Fall Go To

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    With crisp, autumn weather moving in soon, it’s the perfect time to add a healthy dose of bone broth to your diet. You may have heard about bone broth as it’s gained more popularity in the states, but did you know it’s been a source of healing and great nutritional benefits for eons? Seriously, Chinese Traditional Medicine dates way back. In fact, the first written records date back so far, you’ll be amazed—we’re talking to the third century B.C./B.C.E.

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  • Stress In Eastern Medicine

    Hey Western Overachiever, Try These 5 Tips to Destress and Find Balance

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    Are you a high-strung young professional who sets insane expectations for yourself both in your career and personal life? You know who you are, and we’re talking to you. Take a deep breath and read on to learn how you can lead a healthier life by achieving balance. 

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  • Finding Balance With Eastern Medicine

    3 Ways To Rebalance Your Body With Eastern Medicine

    in General Wellness, TCM / / 0 comments

    You come home from a busy day at work only to be greeted by a pounding headache as you walk through the door. What’s your next move? If you’re like many Americans, your instincts might tell you to pop an Advil and get on with your day. In the West, we readily depend on drugs to address the symptoms of our health issues, whereas Eastern medicine emphasizes a wholistic approach to keep the body healthy and happy preventatively. 

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  • Sleep in Eastern Medicine

    The Nasty, Lesser Known Ways Lack of Sleep Affects You

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    Do you wake up on the wrong side of the bed often? Then you’re probably not getting enough shuteye. If you’re used to getting by with minimal sleep, it’s time to change that! Quality sleep is beneficial for your overall health and well-being. Read on to learn some eye-opening facts about sleep and what you can do to restore restfulness back to your life. 

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  • Meridians Eastern Medicine

    Meridian Breakdown 101: What They Are and Why They’re Important

    in General Wellness, TCM / / 0 comments

    When some hear the term “meridian” mentioned in Eastern and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), they start to zone out. Like most concepts not native to our own culture, some find it hard to grasp what meridians are and how that plays a role in health and wellbeing.
    Here’s the 101 meridian breakdown to (hopefully) answer all your questions and demystify meridians once and for all.  

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  • herbal tinctures

    Pills Vs. Tinctures Vs. Teas

    in General Wellness, TCM / / 0 comments

    If you’ve ever taken the time to research the health benefits of herbs, you’ve probably read about tinctures, capsules, herbal teas, and even eating herbs raw. While they’re all good for you, it’s difficult to grasp exactly how they differ and why you may prefer one method over another.

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  • 5 Ways To Love Your Body

    5 Ways To Love Your Body From The Inside Out

    in Uncategorized / / 0 comments

    We all have our fair share of imperfections, which can make it difficult to love yourself at times. Sure, learning to appreciate your body despite its faults and fractures is a huge step forward, but actively improving your self-image is something we’ve only recently begun to grasp in the West. In Eastern and traditional Chinese medicine, loving yourself isn’t such a new thing — it plays a huge role in establishing and maintaining a healthy body and sound mind. And, in that sense, it puts the power and responsibility in your hands. 

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  • Woman Tongue Out

    What Your Tongue Says About You

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    Have you taken a good look at your tongue lately? Believe it or not, you can determine a lot about the state of your overall health just by taking a peek inside your mouth. Practitioners of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) have used the tongue for hundreds of years as a roadmap to pinpoint specific health issues and determine an overall health diagnosis.

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  • Fermented Foods

    Healthy Fermented Foods: Which To Eat & Why

    in General Wellness / / 0 comments

    Curious about fermented foods, but not exactly sure what to eat or why you should? Fermented foods and beverages, from sauerkraut to your favorite kombucha, carry numerous health benefits — and they’re tasty to boot. 

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