
Archive for July, 2024

  • Fu Zi Therapy in TCM Gynecology: Addressing Infertility and Menstrual Irregularities

    Fu Zi Therapy in TCM Gynecology: Addressing Infertility and Menstrual Irregularities

    in General Wellness, TCM / / 0 comments

    Fu Zi, or Aconite, is a potent herb used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) with a long history of therapeutic applications. Despite its toxic nature in raw form, when processed properly, Fu Zi becomes a valuable tool in TCM pharmacopeia. Its warming properties make it particularly useful in addressing conditions related to diagnosis of Qi and Blood stagnation, as well as Cold-Damp pathologies.

  • The Interplay of Spleen Qi Deficiency and Dampness in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

    The Interplay of Spleen Qi Deficiency and Dampness in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

    in General Wellness, TCM / / 0 comments

    Ling Gui Ba Fa, or Master Tung’s Eight Magic Points, represents an advanced acupuncture technique within Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Master Tung Ching Chang, a highly respected 20th-century acupuncturist, developed a system of acupuncture that is distinguished by its simplicity, efficacy, and minimal needling. The Eight Magic Points, or Ling Gui Ba Fa, are a core component of this system, renowned for their ability to treat a wide range of conditions with remarkable effectiveness. This article delves into the theoretical underpinnings, specific applications, and clinical evidence supporting the use of these extraordinary points.

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